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Join Us!

Interested in becoming a member of HFHE? Fill out the form below and submit annual dues of only $30* for your whole family!


The purpose of Holy Family Home Educators shall be to further the interests of Catholic home educators and to provide support and assistance to parents who are lawfully educating their own children. HFHE exists to provide strength, unity, and confidence to all who endeavor to live a Catholic way of life in union with the Magisterium of Holy Mother Church, as admonished by Scripture: "Therefore encourage one another, and build up one another, just as you also are doing." 1 Thessalonians 5:11. [Purpose and Mission Statement excerpts from the HFHE Bylaws.] 
Membership dues are $40 per family per year. *Membership dues for all new families (any time of year) and during early registration (July 15-August 31) are $30 per year. Dues may be payable in installments. A portion of the dues will be applied toward liability insurance allowing HFHE to use public and private facilities for meetings and activities. A directory of HFHE members is distributed annually at the All Saints Day Celebration. Monthly correspondence outlining activities is provided through email.

HFHE members are responsible for adequate supervision of their own children, and any persons in their care, during all classes, events, and activities. Bylaws, adopted August 17th, 2005, detail HFHE's purpose, mission statement, structure, meetings, and membership. Copies of the Bylaws are available for review on the HFHE GSuite Group (click link above) and by request, and members agree to abide by all standards and policies laid down in the HFHE Bylaws.

This form is to be completed annually each school year and serves as registration and waiver to participate in HFHE functions. Payment link follows completion.
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