Monthly Park Days
Families gather on the second Friday of every month at Brandi Fenton Memorial Park. Find us at a ramada near the climbing structures. Bring your lunch and let your children enjoy the park.
All are welcome; come meet new friends!

Celebrate being Catholic
Attend the annual All Saints Day Party! Dress up as a favorite saint and bring a dish to share. Other events regularly include May Crowning, Epiphany party, St. Valentine's Day celebration, Divine Mercy Sunday event, and beginning and
end-of-school-year Masses.

Field Trips
We organize field trips all over Pima County and even beyond to experience the great Southwest! Reid Park Zoo, Sabino Canyon, Pima County Fair, Apple Annie's, the capitol in Phoenix, skiing in the White Mountains are just a few of the fabulous trips we've taken!

Casual Clubs
and Co-ops
Clubs and Co-ops come and go as members have interest and time to pursue. In past years we have had Russian club, weekly class co-op, Little Flowers, and Blue Knights.

Service and Sharing
There are many ways to serve at HFHE, whether planning events or cleaning up after them. We also look for opportunities to serve outside of our group. Parents share regularly through an email group and meet often for encouragement.

Members help one another with questions about learning: curriculum to use, handling special needs or gifted children, testing, and Arizona requirements. Don't be afraid to ask!